Conference Presentations
EMI 2019 - Pasadena CA, June 18 - 21, 2019
The Engineering Mechanics Insitute (EMI 2019) Conference was held on June 18-21, 2019 at the campus of the California Institute of Technology. The PRAISys team presented their work on the restoration planning models for interdepedent systems under uncertainty. An application study was presented to showcase how the restoration decision model can be used for the post-earthquake recovery simulation of three interdependent systems in the Lehigh Valley.
EMI 2018 - Cambridge MA, May 29 - June 1, 2018
The Engineering Mechanics Insitute (EMI) Conference was held on May 29-June 1, 2018 at Cambridge, MA. The PRAISys team presented their work on the restoration simulation for interdepedent systems and the resilience assessment for the electric power system, respectively.
2018 Governor's Hurricane Conference - West Palm Beach FL, May 13-18, 2018
The 2018 Governor's Hurricane Conference was held on May 13-18, 2018 at West Palm Beach, FL. Dr. Mitsova, Dr. Sapat, and Dr. Esnard will organize an expert workshop in this conference on the topic of emergency management. In this workshop, they will introudce the PRAISys platform to the experts and collect their feedbacks on how to improve the platform.
Structures Congress 2018 - Fort Worth TX, April 19-21, 2018
The Structures Congress 2018 took place on April 19-21, 2018 at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Fort Worth, TX. Dr. Paolo Bocchini will attend this conference, serving as a moderator for the "334263 - Community Recovery Planning: Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice".
ACSP 2017 - Denvor CO, Oct 12-15, 2017
The Association of the Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference 2017 was held in October 2017 at Denver, Colorado. Dr. Diana Mitsova, Dr. Alka Sapat, Dr. Ann-Margaret Esnard, and Dr. ALberto J. Lamadrid presented their paper on Infrastructure Interdependencies to Support Planning for Community Readiness and Resilience.
MOPTA 2017 - Bethlehem PA, Aug 16-18, 2017
The MOPTA 2017 (Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications) was held in August 2017 at Lehigh University in Bethlehem PA. Dr. Lawrence V. Snyder, Afshin OroojlooyJadid, Dr. Alberto Lamadrid, and Dr. Wenjuan Sun attended this conference. Afshin OroojlooyJadid gave a presentation of applying deep learning to the beer game. Dr. Wenjuan Sun presented a simulation method to calculate probablistic restoraiton function for critical infrastructure systems.
ICOSSAR 2017 - Vienna, Austria, Aug 6-10, 2017
The 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR 2017) was held in August 2017 at Austria. Dr. Paolo Bocchini and Liyang Ma attended this conference. Liyang Ma gave a presentation of probablistic restoration function for a damaged substation and two damaged bridges.
42nd Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop - Broomfield CO, July 12, 2017
The 42nd Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop was held in July 2017 at Austria. Dr. Diana Mitsova, Dr. Alka Sapat, and Dr. Ann-Margaret Esnard attended this wrokshop. Dr. Mitsova gave a poster presentation about the imapct of interdepedencies on the delivery of vital communisty services with expert judgement.
EMI 2017 - San Diego CA, Jun 4-7, 2017
EMI 2017 was held in June 2017 at San Diego CA. Dr. Paolo Bocchini gave a presentation of infrastructure interdepedency models at this conference.
36th Annual Rutgers Eastern Conference and Advanced Workshop in Regulation and Competition - Annapolis MD, May 31-June 2, 2017
The 36th Annual Eastern Conference was held in summer 2017 at Annapolis, MD. Dr. Lamadrid, Kwami Senam Sedzro, and Dr. Luis Zuluaga attended this conference and presented their work on enhancing resilience of eletric power distributino systems.
MAISoN'17 - Cambridge UK, Feb 6-10, 2017
International Workshop on Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks (MAISoN'17) was held in February 2017 at Cambridge, UK. Sicong Kuang presented her work at this workshop.
Argonne National Laboratory Meeting - Lemont, IL, Jan., 2017
Dr. Lamadrid, Kwami Senam Sedzro, and Dr. Luis Zuluaga presented their work on allocation resources of microgrid to enhance resilience of electric grids.
FAU Dept. of Geosciences Colloquium series 2016 - Portland OR, Nov 30, 2016
The FAU Dept. of Geosciences Colloquium series was held in November 2016 at Florida. Dr. Diana Mitsova gave a presention about spatial Modeling of Critical Infrastructure interdependencies.
ACSP 2016 - Portland OR, Nov 3-6, 2016
The Association of the Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference 2016 was held in November 2016 at Portland, Oregon. Dr. Diana Mitsova presented models and path diagrams for understanding critical infrastructure interdepencies and cascading failures from disasters at this conference.

Geo-Structures Congress - Phoenix AR, Feb 14-17, 2016
The Geo-Institute (G-I) and Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) are coming together to create this first-of-its-kind event. Aman Karamlou presents his work on Functionality-Fragility Surfaces.